Emerald City Products
Fence Fabric & Acoustical Products
Fence Fabric Fits the Bill!
Dog kennel owners want to ensure pets have happy, safe and well-treated environment.Also, provide peace of mind for pet owner that their pets stay in the best possible facilities. Our fence fabric can assist with that - not only it's very good looking way to separate different areas but also can even assist with less of the barking and dog disagreements!

Recently, a kennel owner installed our decorative printed fence fabric on the chainlink fence of his dog run. Not only did his kennel looks great but it also helped provide less stress and distraction for the dogs.
Previously, dogs used to run up to the fences and bark at the dogs or people on the other side. He found that the dogs don't bark as much as before because they don't bark at what they can't see!
Feel free to explore our website to see the various products we offer. We can also print fabric to your own custom design. And for extreme dog noise problems please check out our noise reducing Acoustifence.
For more information on pricing, styles, and installation for your specific application,
please Contact Us or request a quote online.